Accomodation Services | SET1 | | |
Accountancy | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Accounting for Business | SET1 | | |
Advance food Preperation | SET1 | | |
Agriculture | SET1 | | |
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration | SET1 | | |
Applied Physics | SET1 | | |
Arabic | SET1 | | |
Assamese | SET1 | | |
Auto Engineering | SET1 | | |
Auto Shop Repair and Practice | SET1 | | |
Bakery Science | SET1 | | |
Beauty Therapy and Hair Derssing II | SET1 | | |
Basic concepts of Health & Disease and Medical Terminology | SET1 | | |
Basic Design(Common to Textile Design Weaving) | SET1 | | |
Bengali | SET1 | | |
Bhutia | SET1 | | |
Biology | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Biology for Blind Candidates | SET1 | | |
Biotechnology | SET1 | | |
Business Data Processing | SET1 | | |
Business Process Outsourcing Skills | SET1 | | |
Business Studies | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Cash Management and Housekeeping | SET1 | | |
Chemistry | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Chemistry for Blind Candidates | SET1 | | |
Child Care Nursing | SET1 | | |
Classification and Cataloguing Paper II | SET1 | | |
Clinical Biochemistry Paper II | SET1 | | |
Clothing Construction PaperIII | SET1 | | |
Commercial Art History of Indian Art | SET1 | | |
Commmunity health nursing II | SET1 | | |
Computer Science | SET1 | | |
Computers and Life Insurance Administration Paper II | SET1 | | |
Confectionery | SET1 | | |
Consumer Behaviour & Protection Paper III | SET1 | | |
Cosmetic Chemistry | SET1 | | |
Creative Writing and Translation Studies | SET1 | | |
Dance Bharatnatyam | SET1 | | |
Dance Kuchipudi | SET1 | | |
Dance Mohiniyattam | SET1 | | |
Dance Odissi | SET1 | | |
Dance Kathak | SET1 | | |
Designing and Pattern Making | SET1 | | |
DTP, CAD and Multimedia | SET1 | | |
Dyeing and Printing | SET1 | | |
Economics | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Electrical Machines Paper II | SET1 | | |
Electrical Appliances Paper III | SET1 | | |
Electronic Devices and Circuits | SET1 | | |
Elements of Cost Accounting and Auditing | SET1 | | |
Engineering Graphics | SET1 | | |
Engineering Science Paper I | SET1 | | |
English (Core) | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
English (Elective) | SET1 | SET2 | |
Entrepreneurship | SET1 | | |
Establishment & Management of Food Service Unit | SET1 | | |
Fabrication Technology-II | SET1 | | |
Fashion Studies | SET1 | | |
Financial Accounting Paper I | SET1 | | |
First Aid & Emergency Medical Care | SET1 | | |
Floriculture | SET1 | | |
Food and Beverage Services II | SET1 | | |
Food Preperation II Paper I | SET1 | | |
Food Science & Hygiene | SET1 | | |
Food and Beverage Cost & Control | SET1 | | |
Food Service II | SET1 | | |
Food Production | SET1 | | |
French | SET1 | | |
Functional English | SET1 | | |
Fundamentals of Nursing II | SET1 | | |
Geography | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
German | SET1 | | |
Graphics Design | SET1 | | |
Gujarati | SET1 | | |
Health Education Communication and Public Relations & Public Health | SET1 | | |
Heritage Crafts | SET1 | | |
Hindi (Core) | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Hindi (Elective) | SET1 | SET2 | |
History | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Home Science | SET1 | | |
India -The Tourist Destination | SET1 | | |
Information Practices | SET1 | | |
Introduction to Financial Markets-II | SET1 | | |
IT Systems | SET1 | | |
Kannada | SET1 | | |
Lending Operations Paper II | SET1 | | |
Laboratory Medicine Paper I | SET1 | | |
Lepcha | SET1 | | |
Library Administration and Management Paper I | SET1 | | |
Limboo | SET1 | | |
Malayalam | SET1 | | |
Management of Bank Office Paper III | SET1 | | |
Manipuri | SET1 | | |
Marathi | SET1 | | |
Marketing Paper I | SET1 | | |
Maternity & Child Health Nursing II | SET1 | | |
Mathematics | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Meal Planning & Service | SET1 | | |
Mechanical Engineering | SET1 | | |
Microbiology | SET1 | | |
Midwifery | SET1 | | |
Mizo | SET1 | | |
Multimedia and Web Technology | SET1 | | |
Music Hindustani(Instrumental Melodic) | SET1 | | |
Music Hindustani(Instrumental Percussion) | SET1 | | |
Music Hindustani(Vocal) | SET1 | | |
Music Karnataka Instumental Percussion(Mridangam) | SET1 | | |
Music Karnataka(Vocal) | SET1 | | |
Nepali | SET1 | | |
Odia | SET1 | | |
Office Communication Paper III | SET1 | | |
Office Procedure and Practices | SET1 | | |
Ophthalmic Techniques (Vocational) Biology | SET1 | | |
Optics Paper II | SET1 | | |
Painting (History of Indian Art) | SET1 | | |
Persian | SET1 | | |
Philosophy | SET1 | | |
Physical Education | SET1 | | |
Physics | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Political Science | SET1 | SET2 | SET3 |
Post Harvest Technology & Preservation Paper III | SET1 | | |
Primary Health Care and Health Centre management | SET1 | | |
Principles and Practices of Life Insurance Paper I | SET1 | | |
Psychology | SET1 | | |
Punjabi | SET1 | | |
Radiation Physics Paper I | SET1 | | |
Radio Engineering and Audio Systems Paper II | SET1 | | |
Radiography-II Paper II | SET1 | | |
Reference Service Paper III | SET1 | | |
Russian | SET1 | | |
Salesmanship PaperII | SET1 | | |
Sanskrit (Core) | SET1 | SET2 | |
Sanskrit (Elective) | SET1 | SET2 | |
Sculpture (History of indian art) | SET1 | | |
Secretarial Practice and Accounting Paper II | SET1 | | |
Shorthand (English) | SET1 | | |
Shorthand (Hindi) | SET1 | | |
Sindhi | SET1 | | |
Sociology | SET1 | | |
Spanish | SET1 | | |
Store Accounting Paper III | SET1 | | |
Vegetable Culture (Paper I) | SET1 | | |
Yoga, Anatomy and Physiology | SET1 | | |
Tamil | SET1 | | |
Tanggkhul | SET1 | | |
Television and Video Systems Paper III | SET1 | | |
Telugu | SET1 | | |
Textile Science Paper I | SET1 | | |
Tibetan | SET1 | | |
Tourism Management and Manpower Planning Paper III | SET1 | | |
Transportation Systems and Management | SET1 | | |
Travel Trade Management Paper II | SET1 | | |
Typography & Computer Applications (English) | SET1 | | |
Typography & Computer Applications (Hindi) | SET1 | | |
Understanding The Evolution And Forms of Mass Media | SET1 | | |
Urdu (Core) | SET1 | | |
Urdu (Elective) |
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