Here are some of the main Projects given by teachers..If you don't find your project on this site than please do check here.
Description: This C++ programs on BANKING SYSTEM has account class with data members like account number,name,deposit, withdraw amount and type of account. Customer data is stored in a binary file. A customer can deposite and withdraw amount in his account. User can create, modify and delete account.
In this banking system project, We have not used graphics to keep program simple. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, sample data file(.dat file), output screen (.doc file).
Description: This C++ menu driven programs on LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM has book and student class with data members like book no, bookname, authorname. Books records is stored in a binary file. A student can issue book and deposit it wi
thin 15 days. Student is allowed to issue only one book. Student Records are stored in binary file. Administrator can add, modify or delete record.
thin 15 days. Student is allowed to issue only one book. Student Records are stored in binary file. Administrator can add, modify or delete record.
In this project, We have not used graphics to keep program simple. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, sample data file(.dat file), output screen (.doc file).
Description: This C++ mini project on STUDENT REPORT CARD has student class with data members like roll no, name, marks and grade. Member functions in this class are used for accept / display details of students and a function to calculate grade based on marks obtained by student. Student Records are stored in binary file.
This is a simple project using basic file handling concept. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, sample data file(.dat file) and project file(.doc file).
Description: This C++ menu driven programs on SUPERMARKET BILLING SYSTEM has product class with data members like product no, product name, price, qty, tax, discount. Product details is stored in a binary file. A customer can purchase product and his invoice generated. Administrator can create, modify, view and delete product record.
In this project, We have not used graphics to keep program simple. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, sample data file(.dat file), project file(.doc file).
Description: In the game of Hangman, the computer chooses a word at random from a given list of words. This word is the answer. The player then tries to guess the word, by guessing one letter at a time. Whenever the user guesses a letter that is in the answer, all occurrences of that letter are revealed to the user. The game ends when the user has guessed every letter in the word, before he reaches the allowed number of strikes.
This program is an interactive Hangman game. The focus is to use and manipulate strings and loops. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file.
Description: This C++ program on TIC TAC TOE GAME is a simple text base game. This program is without grahics to focus on logic /algorithm used in game. Two players can play this game.
Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file.
Description: This C++ program on CASINO GAME is a simple text base game.We have used procedure oriented method to design this game. This program is without grahics to keep program easy for beginners. Player can deposit his money to play. From this amount he can bet on number between 1 to 12. If he win he gets 10 times of money otherwise lost his money.
In this project, We have used programming concept like do..while loop, user defined function, library function like randomize(), random() etc. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, output screen (.doc file).
Description: This C++ program on SNAKE AND LADDER GAME is a simple text base game.We have used procedure oriented method to design this game. This program is without grahics to keep program simple for beginners. Two players can play this game and the player who cross 100 first is the winner.
In this project, We have used programming concept like, call by reference, library function like randomize(), random() etc. Click on download project button to download zip folder which contains C++ source code file, output screen (.doc file).
Hey! If you are a class 12 student and looking for physics investigatory projects, do not miss CoolJunk DIY(do-it-yourself) physics kits:
ReplyDeleteUsing step-by-step visual instructions & detailed theory manual, you can make your physics investigatory project within hours & score 100% marks in practical. Here is the list of topic based projects for class 12:
1. Verification of Kirchhoff Laws and Ohms Law
2. Variable Resistors: Potentiometer, Preset & LDR: Sequential glowing of LEDs, Internal structure of potentiometer/preset, Working of LDR
3. Capacitors-Charging and Discharging With Resistors & Time Constants
4. Relay & Electromagnetism- Burglar Alarm, Alternate Switching, Oscillator
5. Diode- VI Characteristics & Working, Low Resistance Path, Protection Device
6. OR and AND Digital Logic Gates using Diodes
7. NOR and NAND Digital Logic Gates using Diodes
8. Zener Diode- Working & Reverse Breakdown Voltage, Voltage Regulator
9. Transistor as Amplifier & Switch: Cut-off, Active & Saturation Regions
10. Touch Activated Switch (Passing current through body) using a Transistor
11. Darlington Pair (Multi-stage amplifier using transistors)
12. Automatic Night Lamp using transistor and LDR
13. OR and AND Logic Gates using Transistors
14. NOR and NAND Logic Gates using Transistors
15. NOT Gate (Transistor as an Inverter)
16. LED Blinker (or Flasher) using a Transistor
17. H-Bridge (Motor-driving circuit used in robotics) using transistors
18. DC Motor: Studying relation between RPM and Voltage
19. Wheatstone Bridge: Calculating the unknown resistance using two fixed resistors and a variable resistor (potentiometer)
20. Full-wave Bridge Rectifier (Using diodes and a 12V AC transformer)
21. Full-wave rectifier using diodes and a center-tapped 12V AC transformer
22. Joule Thief: Drawing energy from a dead cell using an inductor
23. IR (Infrared) Security or Intrusion Alarm System
24. Temperature Sensor using a thermistor
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